Craby Creamy Soup
1 ltr boiled water
100 gr crab fillet
100 gr garden onion,chopped
25 gr margarine
50 gr flour
1 cup of fresh milk
salt, pepper, sugar.
100gr fresh sweet corn.shelled.
put crab in boiled water,
fry onion with margarine, add flour stir well,
pour crab n boiled water little by little, stir well till mixture,
pour milk, stir
add salt and pepper, add less of sugar (options), add corn and mushroom in, stir till boiling.
served in bowl with garlic bread and parsley or parmesan
served hot
i hope you enjoy it.
we can change crab with chicken, tuna or chopped meat.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
My Healthy Creamy Soup
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Breakfast is one of the most important thing to start the day. it really determine our activity for whole day. Well balanced nutrient in your breakfast makes your body and brain in prime conditions. And remember eat too much will make you feel uncomfort, lazy and sleepy.
This is one of many my healthy menu for breakfast.
Drink : Lemon Juice,
Food : Sandwich, 2 slices of wheat bread, fill with margarine, one sliced smokedbeef, slight sliced a half of apple, add a teaspoon of mustard, if you like it.
- the vitamin C of lemon will refresh your body and build your endurance.
- wheat bread contains less carbohydrate than a dairy bread, but has enough chalories and rich of fiber that will help your digestion.
- margarine, smokedbeef, mustard give taste of your sandwich, they also contain multivitamins and minerals. that will help for regenerating cells of your eyes, bone, skin, brain and whole of your body.
- apple sliced give unique taste, sweet and sour, and has enough chalories to power you up and makes you feel full up without eat too much.
but if you are doing a diet, 2 sliced of wheat bread without any toping plus a glass of Lemon or/mix with apple juice , is enough.
I hope that usefull.
An Apple
Diposting oleh
6:51 AM
Label: bread, Breakfast, carbohydrate, chalories, juice, multivitamins, nutrition, receipt
Monday, July 23, 2007
Watch your saturated fat intake.
Consumption of saturated fats should be lowered, if not avoided, since they are associated with raising cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are usually encountered in fried foods and in animal meats. On a side note concerning animal meats: lean meats, such as chicken, fish, and turkey are less in saturated fat than red meat.
Watch what you put on the food that you cook.
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as those used in many margarines and shortenings, contain a particular form of fat known as trans-fatty acids. These should also be avoided, since they raise cholesterol levels. They are usually found in fried foods and processed foods, such as cookies, chips, and candies.
A word about dips and toppings...
If you need to use salad dressing, sauces, or dips, try a low fat alternative. Also, use them on the side instead of placing them directly onto your food--you will use a lot less this way.
Try low fat varieties of your favorite dairy products.
Selecting low fat dairy products will also help to lower fat consumption instead of their “full strength” counterparts.
An example of this would be to substitute low fat yogurt or nonfat milk instead of regular milk or yogurt.
Carbohydrates are an important and quick energy source.
Since these are converted to sugar in the body, consumption of too many carbohydrates can cause weight gain and elevated glucose levels in diabetics. Additionally, previous research has indicated that consuming too many carbohydrates can lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Whole grain products, such as wheat bread and oats, are low in flour and high in fiber, minerals and vitamins. With the gaining popularity of the Atkins diet, many food manufacturers have low carbohydrate versions of breads and other grains. Low fat, unsalted pretzels and unbuttered, unsalted popcorn are also good alternatives.
Nuts and seeds (preferably unsalted) are good and filling snack foods.
They contain large amounts of unsaturated fats, which tend to lower total cholesterol levels. Nuts (especially walnuts) contain omega 3-fatty acids, which have been linked to lowering total and LDL (low density lipoprotein—the “bad” cholesterol) cholesterol levels while raising HDL (high density lipoprotein—the “good” cholesterol) cholesterol levels. Seeds, including pumpkin and sunflower seeds, contain high amounts of Vitamin E, B vitamins, and minerals.
After looking at this article, you may be thinking, “Great, so my other option is to just chew on cardboard, right?” Wrong! There are many alternatives out there for you to try, and food manufacturers are making these alternatives more abundant. If you have an absolute, not-so-healthy favorite snack that you like, you can still eat it, but only in moderation. If you are a die-hard junk food junkie, these alternatives can take some getting used to. Therefore, begin your journey to healthy eating gradually and with moderation. Your heart and the rest of your body will thank you!
(source: Jennifer Moll, M.S.)
Diposting oleh
11:42 PM
1 komentar
Label: alternate, candy, chip, cook, cookies, dips, food, guide, Healthy Diet, healthy snacking
Fruit and vegetables are important components of a healthy diet, and their sufficient daily consumption could help prevent major diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Low fruit and vegetable intake is a key risk factor for several noncommunicable diseases. In the context of an healthy diet, when taken together will strengthen and protect health. They are low in chalories and fat , countain a number of vitamins and other antioxidants that prevent cellular damage and aid in a number of cellular processes.
Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption will lead to reduced risk of chronic diseases. Overall, it is estimated that up to 2.7 million lives could potentially be saved each year if fruit and vegetable consumption were sufficiently increased.
WHO/FAO recommends intake goal the consumption of a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) for the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, as well as for the prevention and alleviation of several micronutrient deficiencies, especially in less developed countries.
Diposting oleh
11:39 PM
Label: antioxidant, cellular, fruit, Healthy Living, recommends, vegetables
Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are major risk factors for chronic diseases.
For diet, recommendations for populations and individuals should include the following:
- achieve energy balance and a healthy weight
- limit energy intake from total fats and shift fat consumption away from saturated fats to unsaturated fats and towards the elimination of trans-fatty acids
- increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, and legumes, whole grains and nuts
- limit the intake of free sugars
limit salt (sodium) consumption from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized.
(source: WHO )
Diposting oleh
11:37 PM
Label: body, energy, fat, free, grain, Healthy Diet, salt, sugar
Six Steps to Living Long and Staying Healthy
According to Laura L S Mueser, Perinatal Social Worker from University of Washington Medical Center wrote, there’s 6 step to living long and staying healthy. Maybe we can try to do that step by step. That’s not too hard to follow, very easy I thought. but it depend to ourself for making it easy or not. Let’s see.
Step 1:
Your body needs some foods to stay strong and healthy. Other foods, if eaten too often, contribute to many illnesses. Here are some guidelines:
Eat 6-11 servings a day of breads or grains, like rice, pasta, tortillas, or cereal.
Eat 3-5 servings a day of vegetables, like carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, or peas.
Eat 2-4 servings a day of fruits, like apples, peaches, mangos, bananas, or fruit juice.
Eat 2-3 servings a day of meat, fish, beans, eggs or nuts, for protein.
Eat 2-3 servings a day of dairy products like yogurt, cheese, or milk.
Cut down on alcohol, fatty foods such as butter, grease, or oil, and “junk food” like chips or candy.
Step 2:
Regular physical activity helps people: live longer and feel better throughout their lives, be stronger and more flexible, build strong bones and fight osteoporosis, prevent depression, strengthens your ability to fight off illness, maintain a healthy body weight.
It is best to get at least one half hour of exercise three times a week, but any amount of exercise is better than none at all! If you do not want to go jogging or swimming, try going for a brisk walk with a friend, working vigorously in the yard, or riding your bike to work.
Step 3:
When you are in a good state of mind, you make good decisions for yourself about your job, your lifestyle, and your health. \
Here are some things you can do to keep your mind healthy:
Reduce stress in your life.
Make time in your life for things that are fun. Make a list of activities you like and sure you have at least a little time each day for doing something you enjoy.
Get enough sleep.
Most Peolpe get too little sleep. Being sleepy reduces your concentration, increases mood swings, and causes many car accidents.
Get help if you feel depressed or anxious for more than several days at a time.
Talk with a friend or your health care provider for some help.
Step 4:
Tobacco causes more health problems than any other drug and is the most addictive, most widely used. Cutting down or stopping the use of cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco can save your health and save your money.
Too much alcohol is definitely dangerous, causing liver damage, fetal alcohol syndrome, and accidents. The tricky question is, how much is too much?
Step 5:
Accidents and injuries are the second leading cause of death.
Accidents in the home cause thousands of permanent injuries every year.
Here are some steps you can take to stay safe:
1. The most common accidents are fires, falls, and drownings. Help yourself and your family to stay safe by:
# Installing smoke detectors,
# Have your vision checked
# Learning to swim.
2. Stay safe on the road.
# Wearing a seatbelt dramatically reduces your chances of death in an accident.
# Keep children under 60 pounds in an appropriate car seat or booster.
# Do not ride with someone who has been drinking or drugging.
# Wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle.
3. Find protection from people who are violent or threatening in your life.
4. Wash your hands regularly to avoid the spread of germs.
Step 6:
Many people think they only need to see a doctor when they are sick or injured. The truth is, health care providers are also experts at preventing illnesses and finding and treating problems before you ever feel sick.
1. Find a health care provider who works WITH you.
2. Know what diseases you are at risk for and attend regular screenings for them.
3. Get yourself and the children in your family immunized against life-threatening illnesses.
(source: UW National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health)
Diposting oleh
11:23 PM
Label: activities, alcohol, body, drug, good decision, habits, Healthy Living, illness, jogging, mind, safe, swimming, working
Sunday, July 1, 2007
I was have an aerobicmixed class twice a week. It’s about one and half hours. But I felt so lazy when my lil girl got in elementary school. So I never came in to join the class again. And 1 year after, I realized that my body has lost its shape, especialy my abs, it was look like a 6 mounth pregnancy…o my God..My friends called me “Faty”. I was desperated…you know how hard to back to my normal weight..even 1 kg lost. Untill one of my friend told me to start diet like she always do. It’s so simple but still healthy.
2 mounth ago I started my diet, and I lost 2kg in first week…Thanks God.
After that I lost 1,5kg in second week, 1kg in third week, and 0,5kg in everyweek after.
Without feeling hungry or pain, cheap, and health.
Now my shape is back, I’m 48kg. After 8 kg added in 1 year without any exercise. NoW I want to share with all about how simply my diet was, actually I am still doing it till now, to keep my shape.
Let’s try..
Breakfast : 2 sliced wheat bread plain nothing added or spread
1 glass fruit juice ( I prefer carrot, apple, lemon and 1 tbsp honey
Snacking (10 am): 1 glass fruit juice (evrything you like)
Lunch : a half hour before lunch try to eat an apple, it makes our stomach feelfull
4 tbsp rice with meat or fish or egg , a cup vegetable fried without oil
Snacking: ( 4 pm) 1 glass fruit juice
Dinner : vegetable and fruit, it can be a cup of salad with yoghurt dressing.
or fresh or steamed veg, juice or everykind you like.
Important notice:
# If you feel hungry between, never take snack with many fat like potato chip or something like that. Always remember to feel your stomach with vegetable or fruit. They healthy n good for your body, contain many vitamins, rich of calories and minerals but have no fat or any cholesterol. Help your ingestion.
#You can change Wheatbread or rice with whitebread, Oatmeal or Cereal, or milkshake.
#You can choose many fruit for juice, mix 2 or more or just 1 kind of fruit. Always use non chalories sweetener or honey.
#Pick your own way to prepare your food, but never use too many oil. Use olive oil or non cholesterol oil, or vegetable oil.
# Don’t push yourself too hard, if you feel loss yourstrength, eat some food with rich calories like a pc of Chocolate or palmsugar. Banana, apple or strawberry. Biscuit or cookie.
# Don’t forget to drink many waters. We need 8 glasses of water a day.
#Drink non fat milk, to keep your bone strong without getting fat.
#Use only fresh vegetable n fruit, to avoid stomachache.
Enough calories, enough fibres, enough vitamins and enough minerals make good digestion.
Good digestion make all parts of your body work properly. If they work properly, they formed strong immunity to a disease.
Always positive thinking and never forget to thank to God for everything you have got. Without God we are nothing.
Good luck and success..
Diposting oleh
6:14 AM
Label: body shape, Breakfast, exercise, fruit, Healthy Diet, juice, kgs, lemon, lost weight, safe, vegetables, weeks
